
時間:2023-10-20 19:37:35 作者:線上賭場體驗 熱度:線上賭場體驗
線上賭場體驗描述::明星的言行舉止,都可能引起民眾的效仿推崇,因此身為一位公眾人物,若能運用自己的影響力,傳達正面能量與正確價值觀給大眾,將是再好不過的事情!知名主持人Janet(謝怡芬)便時常以「媽媽」的角度發文,鼓勵同樣也是「媽媽」的粉絲們,在她的文章里,沒有壓迫也沒有比較,有的只有并肩同行的溫暖! 大方分享產后對比照,無修圖引網贊:最真實! 前幾個月才剛生下二寶的Janet,當初就曾因在粉專分享產前產后真實對比圖引發轟動。最近她又再度大方分享產后半年的身材變化,坦言雖然把松松的肉塞進去褲子里時,看起來與產前并無不同了,但是,我們的身體其實還是有好長的修復路要走。 從對比圖可以看出,腰圍和臀圍的變化明顯,Janet并不是屬于嚴格要求自己一定要急速瘦身的媽媽,她喜歡給自己多一點點的彈性與空間,認為按部就班的讓身體恢復,才是對自己最好的選擇,育兒已經夠有壓力了,真的無須再用一定會有的身材變化來苛責自己。Janet的體態也因為她的從容且自律的態度,有了穩定且理想的改變。 貼心分享「產后舒緩」方法,希望每位媽媽都能自在生活 沒有人懷孕前后的體態會是一模一樣的,尤其Janet表示懷孕時脊椎會被往下且往后拉緊,若再加上產后抱寶寶的不良姿勢,都有可能加重背部的疼痛感。因此,Janet建議新手媽媽可以請另一半或專業人士幫忙按摩,若沒有人幫忙自己用滾筒也行。其次,她認為多活動筋骨也會舒緩不少疼痛,若身體允許,抽空做一些簡單的伸展或跳舞吧! 接著,如果習慣側睡的話,可以把枕頭夾在雙腿中間并對齊臀部;練習用正確的姿勢抱寶寶,無論是在喂奶或彎腰換尿布,其實都是在使用背部,因此用對姿勢才是避免進一步受傷的不二法門。 最后也是最重要的,媽媽一定要休息!不僅是生理上的休息,心理上更要休息,凡事量力而為,太在意別人的指指點點只會讓自己變得渺小,如果自己正在往正確的方向前進,那就堅持下去吧,每一位媽媽都是最棒的! Janet IG全文: So, now we have this adorable new baby to adore and love and smoother with our kisses.It’s easy (when we’re looking through our thousands of baby photos) to forget that while we may “look” like we’ve pretty much recovered, (after we tuck our flapping belly skin into our pants) we are far from it.Apparently 50% of women suffer from back pain after delivering their baby. 50%! Our uterus expands during pregnancy and our abs are separated which pulls the lower spine forward, straining out back.Also, carrying the baby, picking up toys, changing diapers, and bad posture also doesn’t help with the achy back. Remember all those fun hormones surging through our body to help us loosen up the ligaments and joints so that we can push out a baby from “down there”?.... Yeah, those are unfortunately, still keeping our joints loose and, jiggly? Things will hopefully get better and back to “normal” around 6 months, but here are a few things which can help in the meantime: Husband massages. If husbands aren’t available. Wife massages. Boyfriend massages. Girlfriend massages. Colleague massages. Massage massages. Chair massages. Roller massages. Massages. Just massages. Oh they feel so darn good. Move it, move it. Walk. swim. Dance. Stretch. Walk. Walk some more. Just move a bit. Even at home you can do it! I know that’s probably the last thing you want to do when you’re feeling sore and in pain, but moving around helps. Rest if you can. I know. I know. When is there time?! And isn’t that contrary to what I just said above?! Well, you gotta make time for both. Moving. And resting. Use a body pillow or pillow in between your legs when you sleep. It helps align the hips and just feels good. And probably most importantly, hold your baby properly. This is key. We’re either breastfeeding, bottle-feeding, holding, cuddling, rocking, soothing, changing diapers, bending over, leaning, and overall just straining our back muscles. A way to prevent further injury is to make sure you have the correct posture and are using the correct muscles to do all of the above. These are just a few basic tips to help ease some of the pains we have. 發表評論
站長聲明:以上關於【Janet零修圖曝光產后半年身材!媽媽無須用一定會有的身材變化來苛責自己!-線上賭場體驗】的內容是由各互聯網用戶貢獻並自行上傳的,我們新聞網站並不擁有所有權的故也不會承擔相關法律責任。如您發現具有涉嫌版權及其它版權的內容,歡迎發送至:1@qq.com 進行相關的舉報,本站人員會在2~3個工作日內親自聯繫您,一經查實我們將立刻刪除相關的涉嫌侵權內容。