
時間:2023-10-29 23:39:02 作者:線上賭場熱門 熱度:線上賭場熱門
線上賭場熱門描述::元器件交易網訊 11月19日消息,據業內人士透露,具有Windows 8功能觸屏控制器IC的價格預計在2014年將繼續下跌,即使該設備的價格自2013年以來已下降了50%。消息人士指出,目前Windows 8觸摸屏控制器芯片的價格為2-3美元/片,而2013年上半年的報價為5美元,芯片需求受到Windows 8筆記本電腦銷售疲軟的影響。此前,大多數臺灣IC設計公司由于擔憂Windows筆記本電腦的前景,以及微軟對高品質和驗證的要求,決定避免Windows 8觸屏控制器芯片的生產。IC廠商隨后紛紛進軍智能手機和平板電腦芯片市場。臺灣兩大IC廠商義隆電子(Elan)和禾瑞亞科技(EETI)已與臺筆記本ODM廠商較早地進入了Windows 8功能觸屏控制器市場,因此獲得了較高的毛利率和盈利。不過,由于智能手機和平板電腦的芯片銷售放緩,Windows 8觸屏控制器芯片的價格在2013年第三季度就開始下滑,越來越多的芯片制造商,包括新思科技(Synaptics)、奕力科技(Ilitek)、聯詠微電子(Novatek)與FacolTech System都遭遇下滑。隨著一些廠商已經開始推出0.18nm制程芯片,2014年Windows 8控制器芯片領域的競爭將更加激烈,可能會使相關芯片的單位成本價降至1美元。(元器件交易網郭路平 譯)外文:Prices of Windows 8 touchscreen controller chips to continue to fall in 2014Prices of Windows 8-enabled touchscreen controller ICs are expected to continue to fall in 2014 even though prices of these devices have declined 50% since 2013, according to industry sources.The Windows 8 touch controller chips are currently available for US-3 per unit compared to US quoted in the first half of 2013 as demand for the chips has been affected by slower-than-expected sales of Windows 8-based notebooks, said the sources noted.Previously, most Taiwan-based IC design houses decided to shun the production of Windows 8 touchscreen controller chips due to concerns of prospects of Windows-based notebooks, as well as high quality and verification requirements from Microsoft. Instead, these IC vendors have forayed into the smartphone and tablet chipset market.Elan Microelectronics and Egalax-empia Technology (EETI) were the two major IC vendors that have entered the Windows 8 touch controller market in line with Taiwan-based notebook ODMs earlier and thus enjoyed higher gross margins and earnings in 2013.However, prices of Windows 8 touch controller chips have begun to slide in the third quarter of 2013 as more chipmakers including Synaptics, ILI Technology (Ilitek), Novatek Microelectronics and FacolTech Systems have also stepped into the sector due to a slowdown in sales of chips for smartphones and tablets, the sources revealed.Competition in the Windows 8 controller chip sector is also expected to become keener in 2014 as some vendors have begun rolling out chips using a 0.18nm process, which could lower down the unit cost of related chips to US, commented the sources.
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