
時間:2023-11-02 22:37:21 作者:線上賭場賺錢 熱度:線上賭場賺錢
線上賭場賺錢描述::元器件交易網訊5月30日消息,據外媒報道,科再奇表示,第二季度平板芯片出貨能達到750萬。英特爾在移動設備上遠遠落后于競爭對手高通,英特爾采用虧本出售芯片的策略,以挽救市場份額。英特爾預計在不久的將來,它的客戶會繼續使用無折扣的英特爾芯片。新的基于英特爾芯片的主要平板品牌將于6月份開始上市。東芝本周推出6款英特爾芯片的可拆式平板和電腦,英特爾移動客戶平臺部門高管埃里克•里德表示,更多的基于英特爾處理器的平板電腦將在6月和7月重返校園。該公司高管希望出貨量能更進一步接近目標。今年五月,英特爾表示今年將增加平板芯片銷量出貨目標是4000萬。科再奇稱,第一季度,出貨500萬,預計第二季度出貨能達到750萬。“我們會如期達到這個目標,而且我們會做的比這更好。”周二,英特爾宣布與中國芯片制造商瑞芯微合作,針對中國消費者推出入門級Android設備。隨著大型PC廠商進軍平板,英特爾預計中國國內小型平板制造商在其實現4000萬目標的過程中將發揮重要作用。(元器件交易網董蕾譯)外媒原文如下:New Intel-based tablets from major brands will start hitting store shelves in June, and senior executives at the chipmaker hope the offerings will move it closer to an aggressive sales goal.Far behind rival Qualcomm (QCOM.O) in mobile devices, the upcoming tablets are the result of Intel Corps (INTC.O) strategy to sell chips this year at a loss in a bid to stake out badly needed market share. Intel is betting that in the future, its customers will keep using Intel chips without the discounts.Toshiba (6502.T) this week announced six tablets and PCs with detachable screens made with Intel chips, one of which runs the Android operating system and the rest Windows. More Intel-based tablets will start hitting U.S. store shelves in June and July for back-to-school shoppers, Erik Reid, general manager of Intels Mobile Client Platforms unit, told Reuters in a recent interview."It will be a new high-water mark, to be eclipsed by another high-water mark at the holidays," said Reid, who is managing Intels tablet push.With the PC industry shrinking, mobile devices and other new markets have become a top priority for Intel. Most tablets are made with chips from Samsung (005930.KS), Qualcomm and other companies that use low-power technology from ARM Holdings (ARM.L).Earlier in May, CEO Brian Krzanich told Reuters that Intel was well on its way to reaching his goal for the company to increase its sales of tablet chips this year to 40 million units.After shipping 5 million tablet chips in the first quarter, Intel is on track to meet a target of 7.5 million such chips for the June quarter, Krzanich said."Were on schedule to hit that number and well see if we can do better than that," he said.Global tablet shipments from all manufacturers in 2014 will grow 12 percent to 245 million, less than a previous forecast of 261 million devices, because people are keeping their devices longer, market research firm IDC said on Thursday. Intel sold around 10 million tablet chips last year.Manufacturers have launched a handful of Windows tablets running on Intels newest Bay Trail chips, but those chips have been slow to appear in devices running the popular Android platform.On Tuesday, Intel announced a deal with Chinese chipmaker Rockchip to make components for entry-level Android devices aimed at local consumers in China.Partly reflecting the financial incentives Intel is offering manufacturers to use its tablet chips, the companys mobile and communications group had an operating loss of 9 million in the April quarter on revenue of only 6 million.As well as big PC brands increasingly making tablets, Intel expects small manufacturers making devices for Chinas domestic market to play a major part in reaching its 40 million chip goal this year, Reid said."Were confident, but this is by no means saying its in the bank."
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